1. If medication is refrigerated, take out at least one hour ahead of time to warm up OR
take out. When previous dose is run if drug is stable. Larger bags need to be warmed for 3-4 hours. Cold solutions can irritate your vein and cause discomfort.
2. CHECK LABEL for correct patient, dosage, and expiration date. Check bag for any cracks or leaks.
Notify pharmacy if any problems.
3. WASH HANDS with disinfectant soap for 30 seconds, dry hands and turn off faucet with paper
towels or clean cloth towel. Waterless cleanser with alcohol base can be used instead of water if
hands aren’t visibly soiled.
4. GATHER SUPPLIES on clean surface:
Bag with Medication, hydration
(White) -
Alcohol Wipes
2 Saline (Sodium Chloride) Syringes
1 Heparin Syringe ___(Blue) ___(Yellow)
1 Sterile end cap
5. MIX MEDICATION if needed. If medication vial is attached to bag, mix medication as directed by
OR ADD TO BAG: ______________________________________________________
6. ATTACH TUBING. Hang bag on IV pole and pull off cover. Open tubing package and close roller
clamp or slide clamp. If using tubing with dial controller, turn the regulator to OPEN. Remove
cover from spike and insert into bag. Keep sterile – Do not touch ends!
7. PRIME TUBING Squeeze drip chamber to fill 1⁄2 full. Open on tubing and let fluid flow through to
the end to remove air. Close clamp.
8. S aline – Flush catheter with ____ml Saline to check that the catheter is patent. First
wipe injection cap with alcohol wipe. Push syringe directly onto injection cap and screw on.
Inject Saline using push-pause flushing method.
REMEMBER: Injection cap keeps the end of the catheter closed so germs and air cannot enter. It must remain attached to patient!
Discontinuing Infusion
9. A ntibiotic (or fluids) – Attach tubing to injection cap and open clamp so solution infuses over
_____minutes/hours. If using a dial controller, roller clamp should be wide open and set dial to
____ml per hour. Medication should drip at about _____drops per minute or ____ drops every
15 seconds.
Dial Controller Tubing: Calculations based on 20 drops/ml:
10. Rewash Hands with soap and water or waterless cleanser.
11. Stop infusion by closing clamp when bag is empty, but a small amount of fluid remains in drip
chamber. Holding injection cap with one hand, disconnect tubing from patient using other hand.
Injection cap must always remain on patient. Cover end of tubing with sterile end cap.
12. S aline – Flush catheter with _____ml saline after wiping injection cap with alcohol.
13. H eparin – Flush catheter with ____ml Heparin. Close clamp on extension tubing after
removing syringe.
14. Waste Disposal – Used bags, tubing, and syringes without needles or blood contamination may
be disposed of in household trash. Syringes with needles or blood should be placed in red sharps
container. When 3/4 full sharps container should be sealed closed and placed in the household
Change Tubing Daily
1. Close clamp on tubing when bag is empty, but drip chamber still contains fluid.
2. Hang new bag and remove cover from tubing port. Take old bag off IV pole. Keeping sterile,
remove spike from old bag and insert into new bag. Hang new bag back on IV pole.
3. Empty any remaining fluid in sink or toilet if needed and discard old bag in trash.
Discontinuing Infusion TROUBLE SHOOTING
If medication won’t run or is running too slowly:
1. Check that all clamps are open and that tubing isn’t kinked or twisted.
2. Check the site for redness, tenderness, or swelling. Call SISU Healthcare Solutions if this occurs.
Peripheral IVs will need to be restarted.
3. Raise the pole height to increase drip rate.
4. Gently flush the catheter with saline. Do not force! Call SISU Healthcare Solutions if
you are unable to flush the catheter or if flushing seems to be very sluggish.
If you have pain in your arm or at the infusion site when you are receiving the medication:
1. Check IV site for redness or swelling. Call SISU Healthcare Solutions if this happens.
2. Check that medication is not going too fast and that it is not too cold.
3. Stop the infusion and talk to the SISU Healthcare Solutions Nurse or Pharmacist if the infusion is causing discomfort.
Call SISU Healthcare Solutions at _______________________________ if you have any questions or problems.